Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Welcome for WHSCT Chief Executive's commitment to reopen Paediatrics Department and Neonatal unit at South West Acute Hospital

WHSCT decision follows success of lockdown measures in lowering Covid-19 initial infection peak which has freed up hospital capacity allowing services to reopen

Health Minister must now immediately authorise Trust plans to reopen SWAH facilities in order to remove huge pressures on rural dwellers forced to travel to Altnagelvin to access vital children's health services

Cross-community Labour councillor for Enniskillen DEA, Donal O'Cofaigh, revealed detail of communication from Western Health and Social Care Trust CEO Anne Kilgallen which confirmed the Trust's intention to reopen children's services at SWAH commencing May 25th. 

"After councillors were provided a copy of the briefing of WHSCT CEO Dr Anne Kilgallen to the Trust board on May 8th, at which she indicated her intention to move to swiftly reopen both the Paediatric ward and Neonatal unit but pointed to the need for regional authorisation, I wrote to Dr Kilgallen yesterday afternoon [May 12th] to confirm the status of this report. I also requested guidance on whether the authorisation required was to come from Ministerial or Health Board (HSCT) level. 

"In the evening I received a response from Dr Kilgallen in which she confirmed that plans were at an advanced state to reopen these facilities on May 25th and that she was simply awaiting authorisation at regional level to proceed; authorisation she expected to come later by today. 

"I would like to thank Dr Kilgallen for her responsiveness to my communications on these matters; and indeed the way in which she intervened decisively when the plan to close was made public. She communicated clearly at that stage both the rationale for the decision to close these facilities and her commitment to reopen them as quickly as possible - and this provided much needed assurance to both staff and the local community. 

"Unfortunately I am aware that during this period of closure a number of families have had to travel long-distances to Altnagelvin to visit children; due to the need for social-isolating visitor numbers were restricted in some cases to one family leaving others outside for the duration. The human impact of closing facilities in SWAH has been made all too clear over these recent weeks. There is a pressing geographical necessity for the retention of as many front-line services as possible in Enniskillen given our county's geographical peripherality. In particular under no circumstances should austerity funding cuts drive the closure of NHS services.

"We now need to see movement at Executive level to reopen these facilities - there is no possible reason to justify their continued closure beyond May 25th. I am calling on Minister Swann to ensure that there is no further delay or impact on local people. 

"In my communication to Dr Kilgallen I extended my thanks and those of the entire community for the continued and heroic efforts of our health and social care workers who are standing at the forefront of the fight to save lives in this pandemic. Never before has the vital role performed by our NHS workers been more apparent than it is today. We, the people, must remember their efforts and resolve that in the future our NHS workers and our services will be properly funded, adequately resourced and front-line services defended from austerity cuts and privatisation", Cllr O'Cofaigh said.

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